Cockatiel – Карельский зоопарк


Class: Birds

Order: Psittaciformes

Family: Cacatuida

Weight: an adult can weigh up to 80–100 g

Height: up to 32 cm

Body length: 30–32 cm

Coloration: cockatiels come in a variety of colors, but the most common is gray with a yellow head and orange cheek patches. There are also mutations with white, yellow, and pied coloration

Age of sexual maturity: 9–12 months

Incubation period: the female incubates the eggs for about 18–21 days

Lifespan: around 15–20 years

Range: Australia; they inhabit forests, savannas, and open plains

Diet: seeds, fruits, vegetables, greens, and insects

Did you know?

  • Cockatiels are known for their learning ability and can mimic various sounds, including human speech and melodies.
  • They have a distinctive crest on their head, which they raise and lower depending on their mood.
  • These parrots have a gentle and friendly nature, making them popular pets.